Publisert 16-12-2023
"Sell me this pen," says Mr. Belfort in a scene from the movie Wolf of Wall Street (2013). In front of him, a group of stockbrokers takes turns providing hesitant arguments about the positive qualities of the pen. When Mr. Belfort then asks one of the men to write down his signature, the man looks around the room and asks, "Does anyone have a pen?" Mr. Belfort's message about the importance of customer needs is thus conveyed.
But what is the difference between an ordinary pen and one from, let's say, Montblanc? Investing in an exclusive pen may make sense for some individuals, while others raise their eyebrows over such a costly investment. In the currently trending documentary, Beckham (2023), his teammates Roy Keane mentions as he describes Beckham's genuine appreciation for luxury: "Who buys a pen for thousands of euros?" : expensive designer clothes, cars, and even precious pens. It's not the need to write at all that drives the luxury pen buyer but rather the desire for that little extra, the exclusive touch, the finesse, the luxury, which is also a part of the lifestyle.
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