Text: Pauline Åberg
Foto: Alamy
Yellowstone is a modern Western series taking place in Montana, where John Dutton, who is acted by Kevin Costner, struggles with family conflicts and defending their land. Politicians, billionaires, greedy landowners and unsolved murders feature throughout the Western series. John Dutton’s words are final and he will do whatever it takes to protect and defend his land from the intrusion of enemies, who repeatedly attack his family.
The series has become a firm favourite in the USA, being last year's most-watched cable television show. If you already have not cast eyes on this series, then you have something to look forward to.
The styles and clothes in the Yellowstone series has attracted a lot of attention, where the characters have undertaken the modern and urban Western style, mirroring the cowboy culture. Real cowboys feature in certain rolls within the series, giving a more authentic Western cultural feel. We will go through the outfits of John Dutton, Kayce and Rip, discussing why they have fascinated so many viewers.
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