Tekst: Camilla Åsedal
Foto: Alamy
The clothing style of Creedence Clearwater Revival was relatively simple and understated compared to many of their contemporary music peers. The band members typically dressed in casual clothes such as jeans, t-shirts, and flannel shirts, often combined with a leather or denim jacket.
Envision John Fogerty with his characteristic hairstyle in front of the microphone, his pipes moving to the rhythm of "Fortunate Son," wearing his blue plaid flannel shirt in classic 70's style and a pair of worn dark blue denim jeans.
The other members of the band, including bassist Stu Cook, drummer Doug Clifford, and guitarist Tom Fogerty, also dressed in simple, practical clothing. However, we also see patterned shirts and suede vests in the 70s fashion. The band's clothing choices reflected their roots in the San Francisco Bay area, where the hippie culture was less prominent than in other parts of the country.
"Bad Moon Rising" (Green River, 1969)
A song that, according to Fogerty, is about an apocalypse, inspired by the film "The Devil and Daniel Webster." It has been recorded by notable artists like Jerry Lee Lewis and the esteemed Emmylou Harris (who possibly elevates it even further). The lyric "there's a bad moon on the rise" was a common Southern expression meaning that troubles were coming.
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