Text: Camilla Åsedal
Foto: Finn Christian Peper
Most home offices only require a laptop and a reasonably comfortable sitting area. Furnishing your own home office is becoming increasingly common for those who can work from home. Make sure to make your office homely since many hours spends on work. What type of home office speaks more to you?
Does acting like a chain-smoking Creative Director at an advertising agency from the 60s à la Don Draper sound intriguing? Then, decorate in 60s interior with classic Knoll retro furniture, a glass table, a drink trolley and a couch to rest on when creativity is lacking. Interiors such as whiskey glasses and ashtrays may belong to the 60s workplace but is crucial for an office in the spirit of Mad Men. Swap the alcohol for water and the cigarettes for nuts, adding a contemporary approach to the workday. Don't forget coasters.
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